Tuesday, July 8, 2014

..Beauty Tips, Tricks & Secrets!

According to the calendar, it's barely a week into Summer but around here, the first whole month is already in the can! I can't tell you how bummed I am about that! I should be grateful that I've already been to Seattle and Denver, but now it's just 'Back to Business!' - What a drag!

Since it's back to the grind and I can't stray too far, I'm finding little things to do, close to home. Busy little things, going thru closets, organizing my office - we even got new furniture. One thing I still need to do is finish unpacking from my world tour.. I got the laundry out right away, but I still have to sort out what I bought for me, what I bought for gifts, and what I found to stock in my beauty store!

When I'm traveling, I try to keep it simple and take multi-taskers with me; I stick with a simple, natural color palette so those minimalist pieces will work together. When I'm home, my beauty routine is a full arsenal of serums, moisturizer, and those special pieces that may not travel so well, like single pan eyeshadows & bronzing or illuminating beads.

When I travel, there are just some things I don't want to be without. Those wet facial cleansing towelettes are a must. Olay and Ponds are great! Perfect for taking makeup off your hands when you're touching up in an airport restroom! Some visits don't require the medicinal anti-bac soap that airport restrooms provide - so use that Olay cloth to remove the makeup on your hands, then rinse well and you're off! These wipes are also nice for wiping any loose blush or eyeshadow off other product cases if they happened to crack in the bottom of your makeup bag!

Don't forget a tweezer! Trust me on this. You WILL be searching for the nearest drugstore to purchase one. Then, while you're there, you start to see other things you think you might need.. its a trap! If you have to do it, look for the store's brand.. a tweezer is pretty much a tweezer and they are often half the price of one made by the big national brand.

Bring a few quart size Zippy-Lock type plastic bags. Basically, any liquid item (fragrance, hair spray, toothpaste) that fits in that quart size bag will zip right through Security.

Speaking of moisturizers - did you know that regular old Oil of Olay makes a great eye makeup remover? Even after washing my face in the sink (or even in the shower with my Estee Lauder Perfectly Clean!) - Sometimes I just end up with raccoon eyes from the mascara & eye liner I'm trying to remove.. Just grab some Q-Tips and squeeze out a bit of Olay's daily moisturizer - dab it under your eyes and watch the yuk come off on the swab! Be sure to buy the fragrance-free!

Feel free to post any tips & suggestions you have and share them with your BFF's below!

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